
Tusk Strategies

Melee, Disabler, Initiator, Nuker




Win rate


After a bar brawl it's customary, as a courtesy, to buy everyone who's still standing a round of drinks."

Tusk is a melee hero with a variety of ice disables, making him an excellent team initiate and ganker. In Ice Shards, he possesses a damage nuke and a disable, allowing him to precisely create a barrier in an enemy's path, impeding their progress and obstructing their escape route. Tusk can aid his teammates close the gap on foes by using Snowball, which envelops Tusk and any surrounding friends in a protective shell of snow as he rolls at a target adversary, damaging and stunning anything in its path. 

Tusk also has the ability to Tag Team while he's in a battle, which allows all close friends to delay foes they're attacking with physical damage. Walrus PUNCH!, his ultimate, sends a target enemy flying with a powerful uppercut, stunning and paralyzing them while inflicting a critical hit and delaying them for a short period. The Terror from the Barrier, a formidable initiator and brawler, should never be underestimated in a fight, as he has a unique set of spells and disables that may put his opponents down for the count.

Tusk Dota 2 Master Dota

Ability Builds

Level: 0 1 15 25 30

Health: 200 660 1740 2760 3200

Health regen: +0.75 +3.05 +8.51 +13.61 +15.76

Mana: 75 291 567 915 1047

Mana regen: +0 +0.9 +2.09 +3.54 +4.07

Armor: 1 4.83 9.73 15.23 17.32

Damage Block: 16 (50%)    

Magic Resistance: 25%    

Status Resistance: 0%    

Damage: 27‒31 50‒54 104‒108 155‒159 177‒181

Attack Rate: 0.59/s 0.72/s 0.9/s 1.09/s 1.16/s

Attack Range: 150 (600)

Attack Speed: 100 (1.7s BAT)

Attack Animation: 0.36+0.64    

Projectile Speed: Instant    

Movement Speed: 315    

Turn Rate: 0.7    

Collision Size: 24    

Vision Range: 1800 • 800    

Legs: 2    

Gib Type: Default    

Ability Upgrades:    

  • Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter - Walrus Kick

  • Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard - Ice Shards


Tusk Hero Talents

Tips & Tactics


Tusk Ability Build

Players should max out the first Ice Shards skill with the aim of taking big damage. Frozen Sigil and Snowball should increase at the same point at first, Snowball maxing first. Particularly for Ultimate Walrus PUNCH needs to be increased with the level.


Ice Shards

Effect: Tusk compresses each ice block into a sphere of energy to the specified location. All enemies hit take damage. The energy block reaches the destination, the iceberg within which forms a wall of ice in the way for 4.0 seconds.

Radius: 200.

Shard time: 4/5/6/7.

Shard Damage: 70/140/210/280.

Cast Range: 1800.

Mana: 100.


Effect: Tusk creates a snowball, rolling to the specified target. At 350 units, allies can inject snowballs by clicking on them with the right mouse button, even while rolling. All enemies rolling in the path to the snowball target are stunned, taking damage. Allied champion walls in snowballs deal increased damage.

Base Damage: 80/120/160/200.

Damage increased per ally: 25/50/75/100.

Snowball speed: 600/625/650/675.

Stun Duration: 0.5/0.8/1.0/1.3.

Rolling waiting time: 3.

Input range: 100.

Mana: 75/75/75/75.

Tag Team

Effect: Creates an aura that lasts about 5.0 seconds. Tag Team causes nearby enemies to take physical damage. At the same time, when hit, the running speed is usually reduced.

Bonus Damage: 20/45/70/95.

Slow duration: 0.4.

Movement speed reduced: 75%.

Aura duration: 5.

Mana: 70.

Walrus PUNCH!

Effect: Tusk unleashes each fatal punch, so powerful that it sends the target into the air. When falling to the ground, the subject is slowed down.

Critical Damage: 350%/375%/400%.

Slow duration: 2/3/4.

Time in the air: 1.

Movement speed reduced: 40%.

Mana: 50 / 75 / 100.

Walrus Kick

Effect: Walrus Kick chooses a direction and kicks the enemy unit nearest to you within a 250-meter radius. Heroes are given precedence.

Cast Time: 0.2 + 1.3

Cast Range: 250

Damage: 350

Knockback Distance: 1400

Move Speed Slow: 40%

Slow Duration: 5

Stun Duration: 1
